Usage and upgrading ๐Ÿ’ฟ

Keep track of your current plan

The Usage tab allows you to see if you are nearing any limits for your current plan.

Updated usage tab area.

For example, in the screenshot above, you can see it has a link to the account area which allows you to Upgrade.

Usage limits

The table below outlines each of the different usage limits.

AppsThe total number of apps.
PluginsThe total number of plugins.
RowsThe total number of internal Budibase DB table rows amongst all your apps.
UsersThe total number of users.
Monthly LimitsThe total time until your limits are reset.
Monthly AutomationsThe total number of automation runs amongst all your apps (including test runs) this month.

*Monthly usage resets on the 1st of each month.


Cloud hosted

From the side navigation press the Upgrade tab, alternatively you can click on the Account tab to visit the account portal and then click on the Upgrade tab.


Accessing the account portal

Only the account holder will be able to access the account portal. The account holder is the user who first created the budibase account and chose the domain e.g. All other users will be prompted to contact the account holder to perform an upgrade. If your account holder is no longer available please contact [email protected]

This will take you to the account upgrade page where you can select your plan.
A detailed view of what's included is presented. The information available on the upgrade page is also available on

Click the 'Upgrade' button on your selected plan and complete checkout via Stripe to finish upgrading your account.


From the side navigation press click on the Account tab to visit the account portal. Unlike cloud where only the account holder will be able to perform an upgrade, any self hosted account can be used to upgrade a self hosted installation.


Self-hosted vs Cloud account

It's important that when registering on that the "self-host" option is chosen. A cloud account cannot be used to upgrade a self hosted installation as a license key will not be generated.

Signing up for a Self-Host account

Signing up for a self-host account

Accessing your license key

You can access your license key at any time via the License Key tab:

Copy either of the above methods license key and head back to your self host installation.

Activating your installation

Visit your self hosted installation, select the Account tab then Upgrade, paste your license key into the activate area and then click the activate button.

Please navigate to the Upgrade page and proceed to click on the upgrade button corresponding to the plan you wish to upgrade to. Finally, complete the checkout process.