We've made a small yet impactful improvement to the user experience within the automation scripting action. This enhancement focuses on making the scripting action more intuitive and user-friendly, streamlining the process of creating and managing automation scripts.

The introduction of Global Bindings means you can now connect any data source to any component on the same screen, eliminating the need for complex nested component structures.

With this update, the components underlying bindings are built exactly as before, but global resolution means that they can be leveraged anywhere. This update is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing setup.

Upgrade to the latest version of Budibase to try Global Bindings today.

Read the launch blog

In response to requests from our self-hosted users, we have introduced the SESSION_EXPIRY_SECONDS environment variable. This new configuration option allows system administrators to set a custom duration for user inactivity before automatic logout occurs. This enhancement aims to provide better security and control for managing user sessions. To implement this feature, simply set the SESSION_EXPIRY_SECONDS variable on your services.

Chain Automations
We've introduced a new feature that allows you to control the behavior of automations within your apps more finely. The "Enable chaining" setting can now be toggled on or off on a per-app basis. By default, this setting is turned off in the cloud environment and turned on in self-hosted environments. When enabled, this setting allows any automation that uses Row Triggers (Created, Updated, Deleted) to be activated by another automation's Row action (Create, Update, Delete).

This feature offers flexibility in how automations are triggered based on your specific needs:

  • For scenarios where automations should only respond to direct user interactions with table rows, keep this setting disabled.
  • To allow automations to be triggered by both user actions and other automations, enable this setting.

Read the Chain Automations documentation

Trigger Automation πŸ”’
We have expanded the ways in which automations can be initiated. Beyond the previously available triggers, it is now possible to initiate an app action automation directly from another automation.

This enhancement is designed to facilitate more complex workflows and increase the interoperability between different automations within your apps. Utilize the "Trigger an automation" step to integrate various automated processes.

Read the Trigger Automations documentation

We’re excited to introduce the new multi-step form block - an easier and faster way to create multi-step forms. Make form-filling feel effortless by breaking down walls of questions.

Key enhancements include:

  • Streamlined experience: Drag and drop the multi-step form block onto your design, connect your data, and select form fields for each new step you add.
  • Auto-generated buttons & actions: Button functions update automatically when new steps are added or removed, ensuring form coherence and functionality during modifications.

For more information, please refer to our launch blog.

Helm chart v3

by Budibase

Helm chart v3

This update fixes several bugs in the Budibase Helm chart, making it far easier to run Budibase in Kubernetes. If you have previously tried to run Budibase in Kubernetes and had difficulty, this update will have made the process much easier.

In this update:

  1. We no longer bundle ingress-nginx. If you were relying on this to supply an ingress controller to your cluster, you will now need to deploy that separately. You'll find guidance for that here: https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/.
  2. We've upgraded the version of the CouchDB chart we use from 3.3.4 to 4.3.0. The primary motivation for this was to align the CouchDB chart used with the CouchDB version used, which has also updated from 3.1.1 to 3.2.1. Additionally, we're moving away from the official CouchDB to one we're building ourselves.
  3. We've separated out the supplied AWS ALB ingress resource for those deploying into EKS. Where previously you enabled this by setting ingress.enabled: false and ingress.aws: true, you now set awsAlbIngress.enabled: true and all configuration for it is under awsAlbIngress.
  4. The HorizontalPodAutoscaler that was configured at hpa.enabled: true has been split into 3 separate HPAs, one for each of apps, worker, and proxy. They are configured at services.{apps,worker,proxy}.autoscaling.

✨ Welcome to the Budibase Changelog

Hello and welcome to our very first Changelog post! We're thrilled to have you here and even more excited to share the journey of Budibase's evolution with you.

This Changelog will be your go-to source for the latest updates, enhancements, and new features we're rolling out. We believe in transparency and continuous improvement, and this is our way of keeping you in the loop. Whether it's a major upgrade or minor tweaks, you'll hear about it here first.

We created this Changelog because we recently moved from monthly releases to continuous development, which will help us release smaller updates more frequently. This change in delivery method will result in fewer bugs, increased velocity, and a better experience for everyone.

We're just at the beginning of an incredible journey, and we're glad you're joining us on this path of innovation and growth at Budibase.

Creator role

by Budibase

Creator role

With the new pricing, we introduced the Creator role. Like the old Developer role, users assigned the Creator role can create new apps and edit existing apps they've been assigned to.

Add buttons to your Grid Blocks

With buttons, you can add even more interaction to your Grid Blocks - allowing users to take action on particular rows. For example, if you want a button to email a supplier in a table full of inventory, you would set up a button, trigger an Automation, and configure it to email the supplier in the same row as the button.

Search for data sources

We understand that searching through data sources can be a hassle. That's why we've introduced a new search feature, making it effortless to find exactly what you need in your data sources. This streamlined approach saves time and reduces the effort required to manage your data.