Notify user if query fails

Displaying GUI content based on a status code

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Typically when executing a REST query, such as creating a new resource with a POST request, the response will come back successfully and the End User can continue with their workflow.

There will however be occasions when the request is badly formed, or there is a timeout or server error. Ideally these situations should be caught, and the user should be notified so that they can either try again, or fix their request.

To accomplish this, we will make use of Synchronous automations 🔒.

For demonstration purposes, this guide will use a dummy query that will either return a 200 or a 404 in the response body.



  1. Go to the Automations section of your app, and Add automation
  2. In the Create Automation modal, enter a Name, and select App Action as the trigger. Save.
  3. Add field for each binding that you will need to pass into your query
    1. In this example we will use a simple pass boolean to determine the 200 or 404 response.
  1. Click the + below the trigger step, select External Data Connector and Save
  2. Select your query from the Query dropdown, and pass in your trigger fields as the query Bindings, for example: {{ trigger.fields.pass }}
Our query with 'resource' binding as seen in the Data section

Our query with 'resource' binding as seen in the Data section

  1. Add the final automation step: Collect Data, which will allow us to return the response data to the End User.
  2. Under What to collect add the following binding: {{ literal steps.1.response }}. The literal keyword is used to ensure an object is returned, and not a string.
  1. With the automation setup, we can now go to the Design section, and Add component: Button
  2. In the Settings Panel, click the button beside On click to open the actions drawer.
  3. Add Action: Trigger Automation
    1. Select the Automation you created. You should see an info note: This automation will run synchronously
    2. Pass in any App action fields
  1. Add Action: Update State
    1. Set value 'ResponseCode' to {{ Action 1.Automation Result.value[0].code }} (this binding will depend on how your API returns data)
  1. Add Action: Continue if / Stop if
    1. Continue if {{ State.ResponseCode }} Equals 200
  2. Add actions that you want for the continue case, such as Refresh Data Provider and Close Side Panel.
  3. Be sure to Save
  1. Add component: Headline for the error scenario
  2. Click on the Conditions tab: Configure conditions
  3. Add Condition:
    1. Show component IF {{ State.ResponseCode }} Like 4
    2. Save

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