
Set up Budibase in your Kubernetes cluster.

There are a few command-line utilities we have to set up before we can get started with Budibase on Kubernetes. Follow the guides below to set up Kubectl and Helm.



We recommend running on Kubernetes nodes with at least 1GB of memory, but we recommend larger instances for higher volume use cases.

Setting up a Kubernetes Cluster

If you don't already have an existing Kubernetes cluster, follow one of the guides below for your provider.

Depending on what provider you use, you may also need to install an Ingress controller and a Storage provisioner.

Here are some good default choices for each.

Ingress controllers:

Storage provisioners:

If you want to make use of HorizontalPodAutoscaler resources you will also need to install metrics-server into your cluster.

Install Budibase Helm Chart

Now that you have your Kubernetes cluster up and running, you can install the Budibase Helm chart which will provision all of the relevant services for running Budibase in a Kubernetes environment. Run the commands below to download the Helm chart from our repository, and install it.

helm repo add budibase https://budibase.github.io/budibase/
helm repo update
helm install --create-namespace --namespace budibase budibase budibase/budibase

Wait a few moments as Budibase creates all the containers and resources. You can then run:

kubectl get pods -n budibase

You should now be able to see your new Budibase installation up and running in your Kubernetes cluster.

NAME                              READY   STATUS             RESTARTS         AGE
app-service-69b7888b7-h25cp       1/1     Running            0                90m
budibase-couchdb-0                1/1     Running            0                90m
minio-service-59c757bb5-q6xt2     1/1     Running            0                90m
proxy-service-6449dd9fdf-v5r6z    1/1     Running            0                90m
redis-service-c6f59dcf5-lh7v5     1/1     Running            0                90m
worker-service-55b49f4cdc-qr5b7   1/1     Running            0                90m

Configuring your Ingress resource

To use your new installation, you'll need to configure an Ingress resource. One is configured by default, but there are some extra steps required to get it working depending on your cluster.


If you're running on AWS EKS, we ship an ALB-ready Ingress resource as part of the chart. You'll need to disable the deafult Ingress and enable the ALB one:

helm upgrade -n budibase budibase budibase/budibase --set ingress.enabled=false --set awsAlbIngress.enabled=true

After a few minutes your new Ingress resource should be provisioned and you should be able to get the address for it like so:

$ kubectl --context qa -n budibase get ingress
NAME               CLASS    HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                 PORTS   AGE
ingress-budibase   <none>   *       4372843243278.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com   80      9m5s

Visit the Ingress address in your browser and you will see that your Budibase installation is up and running.

Budibase admin interface

Budibase admin interface

If you'd like to set up HTTPS, you can also create a certificate using AWS ACM and specify the certificate ARN on your Ingress resource:

helm upgrade -n budibase budibase budibase/budibase --set ingress.enabled=false --set awsAlbIngress.enabled=true --set awsAlbIngress.certificateArn=...

From here, if you'd like to use a custom domain name make sure it's a CNAME that points to Ingress address and that your certificate includes the custom domain name.


If you're using ingress-nginx in your cluster, you'll want to configure an Ingress something like this (replacing example.com with whatever custom domain you would like to point at your Budibase installation):

  enabled: true
  className: "nginx"
    - host: "example.com"
        - path: /
          pathType: Prefix
              name: proxy-service
                number: 10000

Save this as a file called values.yaml and then upgrade your Helm release:

helm upgrade -n budibase budibase budibase/budibase -f values.yaml

Now find the external address if your ingress-nginx installation by running:

❯ kubectl -n ingress-nginx get services | grep LoadBalancer
ingress-nginx-controller                   LoadBalancer   80:32221/TCP,443:32172/TCP   2y20d

If you're running a homelab with, for example, metallb, your ingress-nginx LoadBalancer will be exposed on an IP address in your local network as above ( If you're running ingress-nginx in EKS, you'll see an AWS load balancer domain name in this column instead.

If ingress-nginx is exposed with an IP address, create an A record in your DNS service of choice and point your domain at it (or an AAAA record if it's IPv6). If it's a domain name, create a CNAME record instead.

Setting up persistent storage


First, make sure you've followed the steps to install the Amazon EBS CSI driver. After you've done that, add the following to your values.yaml to enable persistent storage for all of the Budibase services that need it:

    enabled: true
    storageClass: "gp3"
    storageClass: "gp3"
    storageClass: "gp3"

And then update your Budibase installation:

helm upgrade -n budibase budibase budibase/budibase -f values.yaml


Follow the guide to enable Compute Engine persistent disk in your GKE cluster. When you've done that, add the following to your values.yaml to enable persistent storage for all of the Budibase services that need it:

    enabled: true
    storageClass: "standard-rwo"
    storageClass: "standard-rwo"
    storageClass: "standard-rwo"

And then update your Budibase installation:

helm upgrade -n budibase budibase budibase/budibase -f values.yaml

Upgrading your Budibase version

To upgrade to the latest version of Budibase via Helm, you can run the following command:

helm repo update
helm upgrade -n budibase budibase budibase/budibase --reuse-values


Scaling Budibase

You can scale up the number of pods in your installation by updating the replicaCount of a given service in the values.yaml of the Budibase helm chart. For example, if we wanted to scale up the worker and app service due to high load, we can update our values.yaml to have a higher replicaCount. Once updated, upgrade your chart to apply the changes.

    replicaCount: 1
    replicaCount: 2
    replicaCount: 2

Secrets Management

If you have createSecrets set to true in your values.yaml, Budibase will create the following credentials for you:

  • An internal API key, that can be used for API requests.
  • a JWT secret
  • Object store access key (if using MinIO)
  • Object store secret key (if using MinIO)
    If you need to read the value of your secrets, you can do so using kubectl and the following commands to read the values out from your k8s secrets:
# for internal API key
kubectl get secret budibase-budibase -o go-template='{{ .data.internalApiKey }}' -n budibase | base64 --decode

# JWT secret
kubectl get secret budibase-budibase -o go-template='{{ .data.jwtSecret }}' -n budibase | base64 --decode

# MinIO Access Key
kubectl get secret budibase-budibase -o go-template='{{ .data.objectStoreAccess }}' -n budibase | base64 --decode

# MinIO Secret Key
kubectl get secret budibase-budibase -o go-template='{{ .data.objectStoreSecret }}' -n budibase | base64 --decode


The Budibase Helm chart ships with a Redis server that will be included by default. If you want to use your own external Redis cluster, you can configure the values.yaml file in the helm chart to switch off the Budibase one by turning enabled off. Here's what your configuration may look like if you wanted to disable the default bundled Redis and use an external Redis cluster hosted on myrediscluster.io.

      enabled: false
      port: 6379
      url: "myrediscluster.io"
      password: "your-redis-password"


The Budibase Helm chart will automatically bring up a one-node CouchDB cluster within your Kubernetes cluster. If you would rather use an existing CouchDB cluster, you can turn off the one Budibase supplies and point at your own. Please note - you must set up search in your CouchDB cluster in order to use all the search functionality that Budibase provides. Below is an example configuration of how you would point Budibase to a CouchDB installation hosted on mycouch.io:

      enabled: false
      url: "http://mycouch.io:1234"
      user: "couchuser"
      password: "couchpassword"

MinIO/Amazon S3

Budibase ships with a MinIO server included for object storage. Since MinIO is Amazon S3 compliant, you can switch out the bundled MinIO for an S3 bucket in your AWS account. Here's how your values.yaml should look if you want to use S3 instead of MinIO.

    minio: false
    accessKey: "your-access-key" # AWS_ACCESS_KEY
    secretKey: "your-secret-key" # AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY


For documentation on all other options available for your values.yaml file, you can go to the chart README on GitHub.


If you need a hand or have discovered a bug, please raise a discussion on our GitHub discussions forum. For Kubernetes installations, try to include the following information in your discussion:

  • Which Kubernetes provider you are using (EKS/GKE/MiniKube etc.)
  • Screenshots/Logs of errors that are occurring
  • A copy of your values.yaml if you have changed any configuration (please be careful not to share anything sensitive, like passwords!)
  • Anything else that is relevant to the issue you are having.