URL variables
Passing data between screens
Sometimes you need to pass information between screens. This takes two main forms:
- Link element
- 'Navigate To' Action
A common example is opening a detailed view for a row entry.
Navigate To
Some templates such as the Client Contact List app use row buttons instead of links. Tables also allow you to define actions on row click.
In these cases, navigation is controlled by the navigation action:
Here we are passing the row id of the client into the URL path.
In the /clients/:id
details screen we will be able to make use of this row id.
A word prefixed with a colon within a route denotes a path variable.
The id is accessed using the {{ URL.id }}
For example, because we only want to show the chosen client, we can add the following Filter to the clients' Data Provider
This can then be used in conjunction with a Repeater to access the fields of the filtered client:
Multiple variables
Whilst passing a row id is the most common use case, you can pass many variables into the URL, with each being separated by a slash, e.g. /clients/:id/:companyId/:timestamp/:customName/:etc
A detailed example can be found in this discussion.
Video tutorial
Updated about 1 year ago