Budibase CLI Reference

This reference documents every command and flag available in the budibase command-line interface.

The budibase CLI is an all in one toolkit for managing your budibase self hosted installation. These API docs detail all of the commands and flags available to you when using the CLI.


Pre-requisite: CLI installed and ready to use

This guide assumes that you have installed and used the Budibase CLI before, if you have not then you can follow our guide on installing the Budibase CLI.

Budibase CLI Commands

budi hosting

Initialise and manage a self hosted budibase installation. Currently only supports docker compose setups.


You must be in the same directory that you ran --init to use the budibase CLI commands

After running budi hosting --init, you must be in the directory where budibase was initialised to use the other budi hosting commands.


--initInitialise a self hosted docker compose budibase setup in current directory. Pulls images and everything required to start the budibase server.
--startStart the budibase services.
--statusCheck the current status of all the running budibase services.
--stopStop all the currently running budibase services
--updatePull the latest image versions required by the Budibase services


budi hosting --init
budi hosting --start
budi hosting --status
budi hosting --stop
budi hosting --update

budi plugins

budi plugins is the CLI command used for creating, developing and managing custom coded components and datasources. You can find tutorials on how to create components and datasources below.



--initPull down the budibase project skeleton for a datasource or component, and initialise it in the current working directory.
--buildBuild the datasource or component in the current working directory using rollup, so it can be used inside the budibase platform.
--watchWatch the component/datasource in the current working directory and automatically rebuild when changes are made.


# datasource
budi plugins --init datasource

# component
budi plugins --init component
budi plugins --build
budi plugins --watch

budi backups

budi backups is a CLI command that allows you to completely backup and restore your self hosted budibase installation.

  • Save backups as .tar.gz files that you can store elsewhere
  • Import the .tar.gz files to a fresh budibase system to restore to the state of your backup.

You can find a full end to end tutorial on using the budi backups CLI command here:



You need to provide credentials to the budi backups command

If you do not pass the --env fiag to budi backups commands, you will have to answer a set of questions in the CLI to pass the credentials required to perform import and export of backups. The required variables are:

COUCH_DB_URLFull URL for your running CouchDB service. Must include credentials. http://<username>:<password>@<couchdb-url>
MINIO_ACCESS_KEYMinIO/S3 compatible object store access key
MINIO_SECRET_KEYMinIO/S3 compatible object store secret key
MINIO_URLURL on which your MinIO/S3 compatible object store is running on.
MAIN_PORTThe port your budibase instance is hosted on. Defaults to 10000.


--exportExport your budibase installation, apps and configuration to a tar.gz file that can be imported into another separate budibase installation.
--importImport a .tar.gz file into an existing budibase installation. If you do not pass the --env flag, you will need to answer some questions with database and object store passwords so budibase can import your backup to the other budibase server.
--envPass a path to an .env file that can be used to inject environment variables for either the --import or --export commands.


budi backups --export --env /path/to/env/file
budi backups --import mybackup.tar.gz --env /path/to/env/file

budi analytics

This command is for opting in/out of budibase CLI analytics.


--optInOpt in to budibase CLI analytics.
--optOutOpt out of budibase CLI analytics.


budi analytics --optIn
budi analytics --optOut