
Trigger an n8n workflow from Budibase


Within n8n create a Webhook trigger node. Optionally configure the Authentication, and select the desired HTTP Method.

Click on the webhook URL to copy it to clipboard. You can start with the Test URL to make sure things are working as expected before using the Production URL.

Connect additional nodes to your n8n webhook trigger as desired.

Budibase DB node

It is also possible to connect to the Budibase DB within your n8n workflow using the budibase-db-n8n-node.

Read more on installation: Install community nodes in the n8n app.

Install the Budibase DB node

Install the Budibase DB node

Budibase DB node will then be available

Budibase DB node will then be available

Triggering an n8n workflow from Budibase

With the webhook setup in n8n, and the URL copied, you can now add the n8n automation action step in your automation.

Adding the n8n action step

Adding the n8n action step

Next enter the Webhook URL that you copied, and make sure the Method matches correctly.

Triggering an n8n workflow from a Budibase automation

Triggering an n8n workflow from a Budibase automation


The authorization field is optional, and represents the Authorization HTTP header.

Consider an n8n webhook with Basic authentication set as user: 'test', password: 'admin'.

The automation action step will return with a 401 error if the Authorization field is not set:

Authorization needs to be set

Authorization needs to be set

In the case of Basic auth you need to provide the header in the following format:Basic BASE64_ENCODED(username:password), which would look result in something like this:


Keep credentials safe

Ideally you should not save credentials as plain text in your Budibase apps. Use Environment variables 🔒 to keep these credentials safe!