Application actions
These actions can be anything from notifications, to triggering automations or navigating between screens.
Navigate To
Use this action if you want to go to another web page or app screen.
For example: Navigation on row button click
When the Destination is set to 'URL', you have the option to open the link in a new tab.
Alternatively, if the Destination is set to 'Screen', then you can select a screen to navigate to from the dropdown. The screen can optionally be opened in the current tab, or in a modal.
You can learn more about using URL parameters with the Navigate To
action here.
Trigger Automations
Often there are times where you would like to trigger a automation after a user has performed an action. There are a range of different Automations. You are able reference any created automations by clicking the Use an existing automation
radio button and then selecting an existing previously created automations to use and run.

Lastly, creating fields within the automation itself allows data/bindings to be sent to it, this can then be used in your automation to perform whatever task you require. An example of this would be passing an _id
of a row to the automation to then update the row's state e.g. from Pending
to In progress

If you want to log a user out, you can use this action. It has redirect functionality built in meaning you can redirect to whatever url you desire.
Close Screen Modal
If the current screen has been opened as a Modal, then close it. Additionally, you can navigate to a new screen or open a different screen modal afterwords also using this action.
Close Modal
This action takes no settings, and will close any modal component open on screen.
Open Modal
Opens a modal component on a screen - different to a "Navigate to" action with "Open screen in modal", which opens an entire screen in a modal, this action opens a modal component that is already on the current screen. See modal component
Show Notification
This allows you to show a popup notification, of which there are four different types; Success
, Warning
, Error
and Info
. Changing the type will change the styling of the popup for example: success will be have a green background where as error will have a red background. Additionally you can make use of the bindings to output more informative messages. E.g. Hi {{ Current }} welcome to Budibase.

Logic within notifications
It is possible to use some logic with the notification - if the result of the logic running is falsy, no message will show. This can be used in conjunction with a "Continue if/Stop If" step to show the user some feedback explaining why the action has stopped.
Prompt User
This action adds an additional step before other actions are run. The title, message, and button text can all be customised. It provides a prompt to the user, and won't run any other action after it unless they click the confirm button. This is very useful for a longer chain of actions, as it provides context and gives the option to cancel the process before it starts
Open Side Panel
Provides a list of all side panels within a current screen, selecting one will open that side panel whenever the action is hit.
Close Side Panel
Closes the currently open side panel.
Updated 5 months ago