The bar chart is a very basic, but powerful, method of displaying data in such a way it makes much more sense immediately, compared to simply browsing the data in tables.

Adding a Bar Chart

To add a bar chart to your UI, you need to wrap it using a Data Provider. After adding the data provider, add the Chart > Bar Chart component to it, and you'll be able to link up the data from your table.


Grouping data

To group data inside a bar chart, use Views on top of your data. This way, you can hook up your chart using the data provider linked to the view instead.

Displaying data

Now that you have the data linked up to your bar chart, you can select which columns you want to display. For example, we have a table with cars and their mileage, and displaying this in a bar chart is only a few clicks.

To get this view, head over to the Settings Panel, and select the License Plate as the label column, and the mileage as the data column(s). And to get the bars horizontally, instead of vertical, check the Horizontal setting in the Settings Panel. And there you have it.

This is just one of the many things you can do with the bar chart, explore all the features from the Settings Panel below.


Numeric data only

Of course, bars need to have a size, so for the data column(s), you can only select Numeric columns

Settings panel

The settings panel for the bar chart has the following options. Generic styling settings are omitted from this overview.

ProviderThe Data Provider as a parent of your chart
Label ColumnThe Labels you want to display with your data. These are on the X-axis in standard mode, or on the Y-axis on Horizontal mode
Data Column(s)The data you want to display with the labels. This has to be numeric. Can be multiple
FormatWill divide by thousand or million on the axis and adds a K or M to the axis respectively
Y-axis Label
X-axis label
The labels you want to display next to the Y and X-axis.
The size you want the chart to be, supports all CSS supported sizes
ColoursChoose from one of the predefined colour-palettes
StackedCheck this setting to have the different data columns stacked (aka, on the same line instead of each column as a separate bar) in the chart
HorizontalDisplays the bars horizontally, rather than vertically, when checked. The labels will move to the Y-axis when this is checked
Data LabelsWill display the value of the bar on top of the bar when checked
AnimateWill animate when the data changes or on startup. Data-change can happen through Dynamic filter's for example.
LegendDisplays the label for each colour visible on the chart as a legend in the upper-right corner